Copperplate Podcast
Check for availability 65 minutes of good Irish traditional music.
                Copperplate Time 458
             presented by Alan O'Leary
       A Christmas Miscellany

1. Eileen Ivers:  Christmas Eve/ Oiche Nollag/High Road to Linton.   An Irish Christmas
2. Tommy Sands:
Like the First Time It’s Christmas.  An Irish Christmas
3. The Outside Track: Christmas in Killarney.
           Christmas Star

4. Tim Dennehy:   The Kerry Christmas Carol.
           Between The Mountains

5. Tommy Sands/Patrick Kavanagh:   
            A Christmas Childhood.
   An Irish Christmas
6. Johnny Og Connolly & Brian McGrath:
Christmas in Spiddal/12 to the Bar.
             Dreaming Up The Tunes

7. Dick Gaughan:
The Snows They Melt the Soonest.             
Handful of Earth
8. Moving Hearts:  
May Morning Dew.   The Storm

9. Lal Waterson:  
Christmas is Now Drawing Near.
Frost & Fire
10. Shirley & Dolly Collins: The Cherry Tree Carol. 
The Holly Bears the Stone

11. Mick Moloney:   Celebration.
An Irish Christmas                                 
12. Moloney/Tegis/McComiskey:  The Girl Who Broke My Heary/My Love is in America/Christmas Eve.  
An Irish Christmas
13. Tim O’Brien & Newgrange:  In The Bleak Midwinter.
A Christmas Heritage Island

14. Mick Moloney:  Mrs Fogerty’s Christmas Cake.   
An Irish Christmas

15. Mary McPartlan: 
Wild Mountain Side.  
Petticoat Loose

16. Cor Chois Fharraige:   An Cead Noél.  Carúil Nollag
17. The Outside Track:   Winter Jigs.   Christmas Star  
18. Ralph McTell:  Things You Wish Yourself.   Single

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Category:Irish Traditional Music -- posted at: 6:45am EST
               Copperplate Time 457
          presented by Alan O'Leary

1. Bothy Band:  Green Groves/Flowers of Red Hill.         After Hours
2. Peoples/Molloy/Brady:  
Matt Peoples. 
Peoples/Molloy & Brady  
3. Frankie Gavin:   Christmas Eve. Rainy Sundays

Ralph McTell:  The Girl From the Hiring Fair. 
Bridge of Sighs
5. Ushers Island: 
Sean Keane’s. Ushers Island                                 
6. Andy Irvine:  King Bore & The Sandman. 
Rainy Sundays

7. Paddy Glackin:
Top It Off/The Sunny Banks.  
Ceol ar an bhFidil
8. John Doyle: 
The Path of Stones.  The Path of Stones
9. Ailie Robertson:
The Exploding Bow. First Things First
10. Shane McGowan & The Pogues:
A Pair of Brown Eyes. Rum, Sodamy of the Lash
11. John J Kimmel: Bonnie Kate/The Swallows Tail/Star of Munster.      Early Recordings of Irish Trad Music
12. Kevin Burke:   Tuttle’s Reel/Bunch of Green          Rushes/Maids of Mitchelstown.  The Very Best of…
13. Moloney/O’Connell/Keane:
Kilkelly.   Bringing It All Back Home              
14. Michelle Mulcahy: 
Caoineadh Mick Moloney.  
ady on the Island
15. Donncha O’Briaín: The Maple Leaf/The Man of Arran.  Trad on the Tin Whistle
16. Paul Brennan & Carrig: The Piper’s Jig/The Swan Among the Rushes/Behind the Bush in the Graden.
                 Airs & Graces

17. Dezi Donnelly & Mike McGoldrick: 
The Humours of Lissadell/Queen of May/Sweeney’s Dream.    Dog in the Fog
18. The Roches:  Hammond Song.  
Collected Works of The Roches

19. We Banjo 3: The Bunch of Green Rushes/Salt Creek.    Live in Galway
20. Bothy Band:  Green Groves/Flowers of Red Hill. After Hour

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Category:Irish Traditional Music -- posted at: 9:01am EST

                 Copperplate Podcast 288
                presented by Alan O'Leary                               December 2023
1. Danu:  The Garsun Who Beat His Father. All Things Considered
2. Mulcahy Family:
Mullingar Races/Coen’s Memories/Jim Donoghue’s.        Reelin’ in Tradition
3. Marcas O’Murchu: The Boy in the Gap/The Boy in the Boat/The Boy on the Hilltop. Turas Ceoil.
4. Mary McPartlan:
       A Rainy Night in Soho.  The Holland Handkerchief
5. Michelle Mulcahy:  
Matthew’s Waltz.  Lady on the Island
6. Sorcha Costello:
          Minor Complications/Clancy’s Bar. 
The Primrose Lass  
7. Mick & Aoife O’Brien & Emer Mayock:
Johnny’s Gone to France/The Highlander’s Kneebuckle/Lady
  More Tunes from Goodman’s Manuscripts              
8. Dan Brouder & Angelina Carberry:
The Rolling Rocks of Glan/The River Meadow Reel.                                   Back in Time
9. Tim Dennehy:  
Be Still as You are Beautiful.
Old Boots & Flying Sandals

Peter Horan & Gerry Harrington: 
Doctor Gilbert/Queen of May.    The Merry Love to Play     
11. Nioclas Tóibín: Na Conneries.   Amhrain Aneas
Caoimhin O’Fearghail: Cáit Ní Dhuibhir/The Stack of Barley.               Uilleann Pipes from Waterford
13. Johnny Og Connolly: Flanagan’s Jig/Kimmel’s Jig. 
             Fear Inis Bearachain

14. London Lasses: The Culfadda/Farewell to London/Rossmore Jetty.    LL 25TH Anniversary Album

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Category:Irish Traditional Music -- posted at: 5:21am EST